are most important scavenging birds. Although it is well known
that due to scavenging action vultures prevents spread of anthrax,
but according to some; they may spread anthrax through their
droppings. Thus this experiment was done to find out whether
vulture droppings contain anthrax bacilli.
In India increase of anthrax cases may be related to a fast
declining vultures that are excellent scavengers. Wildlife scientists
issued an alert that an unprecedented decline in the population
of vultures across India might lead to the spread of zoonotic
diseases from livestock to people.
India has lost nearly 90% of its vultures to an illness that
wildlife research suspect is caused by an avian virus and massive
expansion of the Indian poultry industry in recent years is
a potential source of novel avian viruses for vultures. India
lacks facilities for incineration and for sophisticated carcass
processing. The efficient and rapid disposal of anthrax carcasses
is a vital issue for anthrax control and if one cannot burn
or bury the animals in this condition vultures are preferred
scavengers than dogs, wolves, foxes etc.
Sometime human scavenging is a public health problem. Non-consumption
of Parse corpses by vultures may have an impact. Parse Zoroastrians
believe burning or burying the dead pollutes the air or land,
and so they place corpses on towers for vultures to consume.
At Mumbai’s biggest Parse Dhokmas many corpses lay unconsummated
for months till nature acted on them.
Experiment and observations:
study was done on vulture droppings around different roosts,
which were present in Botanical Gardens, Kolkata. Droppings
were present on dead leaves as well as on herbs, which were
present, surrounding their roosts. The size of their droppings
was big and in this way droppings of other birds could be differentiated.
During our observation, we could not justify the previous statements
by other workers that due to acid nature, droppings usually
destroy the trees. Except that few top branches were affected
by the weight of the vultures, no harm was done of the plants.
Even herbs totally smeared with the droppings did not die, and
they were as good as the other similar plants in that locality.
We have studied pH and bacteria in our laboratory, which are
given below.
pH: Droppings were mildly acidic; pH ranges between 6.0 to 6.8.
Cultures: Only aerobic bacteriological cultures
were made on nutrient agar medium with droppings and swabs taken
from feathers. Following findings were noted. Opaque, 2-4 mm
colonies, Gram’s stain showed gram negative bacilli ; translucent
confluent colonies, Gram’s stain showed gram positive slender
bacilli ; small opaque colonies, Gram’s stain showed gram negative
filamentous bacilli ; very small opaque colonies, Gram’s stain
showed gram positive bacilli ; big opaque colonies, Gram’s stain
showed gram positive bacilli with spores . There was no colony
similar to anthrax bacilli and they mainly consist of colibacilli,
Bacillus sp. Other than anthrax bacilli, few micrococci and
The most interesting finding was that there were plenty bacteriophages
in the cultures creating plaque like gaps here and there in
the colonies. Thus it may happen that these bacteriophages (viruses
which infect bacteria) may kill pathogenic bacteria which may
enter in the intestine of the vultures during feeding and thus
they really act as a natural incinerator as stated by previous
as per the completed work so far:
droppings did not contain anthrax bacilli; the main reason is
the bacteriophages, which were present in abundant number in
the droppings. Thus it is unlikely that vultures can spread
anthrax through their droppings.
are controlled by public health agencies to prevent spread of
mosquito borne diseases. There are different methods to control
mosquitoes. Among them the larvicidal agents are an important
group widely used for mosquito control. The two most important
aspects of an ideal mosquito larvicidal agent are biodegradable
nature and safe for human beings as well as for other non-target
organisms in the environment.
Many safe larvicidal agents have been described recently (Perich
et al, 1990; Prasad and Kalyanasundaram, 1991;Schafer and Mulligan,
1991; Floore et al, 1998;Su and Mulla, 1998; Murugan and Jeyabalan,
1999; el-Shazly and el-Sharnoubi, 2000; Hallmon et al, 2000;
Massoud and Labib, 2000). However, recent problems regarding
the use of malathion and opinions against use of all pesticide
spraying creates a scope for search of other mosquito control
agents which are somewhat related to nature.
After study of physical and chemical characters of sodium metasilicate
it appears to us to be a probable good larvicidal agent particularly
for an urban set up. It increases pH of the medium and it has
got a detergent/surface tension lowering action; but within
a short span of time, particularly at lower concentrations,
it is automatically degraded to silica in an aqueous solution
and can be incorporated in nature, as silica is abundantly present
in nature. Therefore, it appears to us that these physico-chemical
properties of sodium metasilicate can be exploited to kill mosquito
Conversion of sodium metasilicate to silica can also be done
easily by addition of dilute (0.01%) hydrochloric acid at the
final outlet of the urban sewer system or in water accumulated
places. With these ideas we started experiments to prove this
Laboratory colonies of Culex quinquefasciatus (Diptera: Culicidae)
was used in our studies. They were maintained at 27+/-2 degree
Celsius and at 75% relative humidity under a 10:14 light dark
photoperiod cycle. The required quantities of sodium metasilicate
(Fluka, Switzerland) were mixed thoroughly with 200 ml of rearing
water in 500 ml plastic troughs to prepare different concentrated
solutions (0.5%, 1%, 2% and 4%). For control experiment one
plastic trough containing only 200 ml of rearing water was taken
.One hundred fourth-instar mosquito larvae were released into
each trough.
Finely ground dog biscuit was added in each trough (1 g per
day per trough) which acted as larval food. For pupation dried
coconut midribs were placed over water as the substratum. At
24-h intervals dead larvae and pupae were removed and counted.
Observations on percentages of larval mortality, percentages
of pupation and adult emergence were recorded. The experiment
was replicated five times.
Observations are summarized in the Table.
Effect of sodium metasilicate on the larval mortality, pupation
and adult emergence of Culex quinquefasciatus.
mortality (%) |
emergence(%) |
00 |
83 |
75 |
0.5% SM*
17 |
75 |
71** |
1.0% SM
38 |
33 |
25*** |
2.0% SM
88 |
00 |
00 |
4.0% SM
100 |
00 |
00 |
SM: Sodium
metasilicate. ** 58% died after emergence. *** All died after
in order to develop and utilize a new safe chemical agent –
sodium metasilicate in mosquito control program as a potential
larvicide four different concentrations (see Table)
were investigated against larvae of Culex quinquefasciatus under
laboratory conditions.
The data presented in the Table clearly indicates a significant
larvicidal action of this chemical. Sodium metasilicate appears
to be a good larvicidal agent because it is spontaneously degraded
to silica in aqueous solution and silica is present in huge
quantities in earth crust.
Thus presently we can use it in storm drains, roof gutters,
unused swimming pools and in old tires. If any residual activity
of it remains after the desired time schedule, it can be easily
converted to silica after addition of a dilute (0.01%) hydrochloric
acid. Thus our observations suggest that sodium metasilicate
is a safe naturally occurring chemical larvicide which can be
used in an urban set up very easily.
report of another ongoing research project
Urease Tests(RUT): Specimens were placed one each in
CLO slide, Paper strip urease test(RUTP) and silica gel slide(RUTG)
for comparative studies.
CLO test is the commonly used RUT outside India. Thus comparative
studies were done with this test.
Paper strip urease test(RUTP): In this test
RUT reagent was made mixing 10ml of 10% urea broth in deionised
water (pH 6.8), 10 mg KH2PO4 and 500 ul of 1% phenol red. The
test filter paper strips were soaked with the solution. It is
then dried in incubator at 37 C and kept at room temperature.
The strips showed a shelf life of more than six months. The
indicator in the strip showed mild yellowish colour but changed
to pink when reagent became alkaline due to urease activity.
Silica gel slide(RUTG): The idea of silica
gel was taken from one of our previous paper(29). In a plastic
pouch 59 mg silicate(Na2SiO3), 25 mg urea, 0.1 mg phenol red
is kept in a sealed cover, it can be kept at room temperature,
just before endoscopy one should add 0.5 ml deionised water
followed by 5 drops (250 ul) of 16% V/V aqueous solution of
phosphoric acid (H3PO4). Its shelf life is about 18 months.
Experiments to find out optimum concentration of urea
in these new media:
Media were prepared with different concentrations of urea (
0.1%, 0.5%, 1.0%, 5.0%, 10.0%), pH and temperature were maintained
at 6.5 and 37C respectively, Endoscopy biopsy materials of 66
patients with RUT positive tests were applied on these media
and the time required for the change of colour was observed
Experiments to find out optimum pH for reaction in these
new media:
Media were prepared with different pH levels (4.5, 5, 5.5, 6,
6.5, 7.0), urea and temperature were maintained at 5% and 37C
respectively, Endoscopy biopsy materials of 28 patients with
RUT positive tests were applied on these media and the time
required for the change of colour was observed (Graph 2).
Experiments to find out influence of different ions, stabilizing
agents, catalyzing agents on these new media:
Fe+++, Cu++, Co++, Zn++ salts (all at a concentration of 1mM,10
patients), Fe++, Mn++, Ni++ salts ( all at a concentration of
10 Mm, 10 patients), glycerol(1%, 5 patients) , 2 mercaptoethanol(5
patients), alpha keto glutarate ( both at a concentration of
0.05%)(5 patients) were used in these media and time required
for colour change were compared with control media.
The rapid urease test (RUT) results:
rapid urease test (RUT) results read at 1 hour compared to histology
done outside in 83 patients are given in Table 1.
The sensitivity, specificity, positive and negative predictive
values and accuracy of RUTP were 91%, 100%, 100%, 100%, 95%
and of RUTG they were all 100% which appeared very significant.
RUTP and RUTG were both stable for more than 6 months at room
Regarding standardization of RUTP and RUTG it was found that
5-10% urea concentration in the medium showed very good result.
Regarding optimum pH we did not find a clear picture. However,
it is better to keep the pH between 6.5 to 6.8, because this
will help to observe rapid colour change from acidic to alkaline
Fe+++(8/10), Cu++(7/10), Co++(8/10), Zn++(8/10) ion inhibited
urease activities in about 80% cases in test samples in comparison
to controls and Fe++(3/10), Mn++(2/10), Ni(3/10) ions inhibited
urease activities in about 30% cases in test samples. Glycerol(average
–4 minutes), 2 mercaptoethanol(average –5 minutes) and alpha
ketoglutarate (average –10 minutes) showed rapid enzymatic activities.
All these changes were statistically significant ( P value significant
at 0.01 level).
pylori, a gram-negative, microaerophilic, spiral-shaped bacterium,
is an etiologic agent of human gastritis and peptic ulceration
and is highly restricted to the gastric mucosa of humans. Urease,
synthesized at up to 6% of the soluble cell protein, hydrolyzes
urea, thereby releasing ammonia, which may neutralize acid,
allowing survival of the bacterium and initial colonization
of the gastric mucosa. Urease is an enzyme found in plants and
bacteria but not in mammals.
The nickel metalloenzyme urease catalyses the hydrolysis of
urea to ammonia and carbamate, and thus generates the preferred
nitrogen source of many organisms. When produced by bacterial
pathogens in the gastroduodenal region, urease acts as a virulence
factor. At the sites of infection urease is known to enhance
the survival of the infecting bacteria. Ammonia resulting from
the action of urease is believed to increase the pH of the environment
to one more favourable for growth, and to injure the surrounding
epithelial cells. Bacterial urease gene clusters contain from
seven to nine genes depending upon the species. These genes
encode the urease structural subunits and accessory polypeptides
involved in the biosynthesis of the nickel metallocentre.
Much work regarding the structure and function of urease enzyme
has been done recently by Prof. Robert P. Hausinger of University
of Minnesota. So far, three distinct mechanisms of urease gene
expression have been described for ureolytic bacteria. Some
species constitutively produce urease; some species produce
urease only if urea is present in the growth medium; and some
species produce urease only during nitrogen-limiting growth
conditions. For either the urea-inducible genes or the nitrogen-regulated
genes transcription appears to be positively regulated. In the
nitrogen-regulated systems, urease gene expression requires
Nac (nitrogen assimilation control), a member of the transcriptional
activators. Urea dependent expression of urease requires UreR
(urease regulator), also a member of the transcriptional activators.
An evolutionary tree for urease genes of eight bacterial species
is proposed (33).
Invasive and non-invasive methods are currently available for
the detection of Helicobacter pylori . Invasive methods involve
obtaining biopsy at endoscopy for histology, culture or urease
tests. Histology of gastric antral biopsies for Helicobacter
pylori remains the gold standard for the diagnosis of Helicobacter
pylori infection, although the commercially available CLO test
outside India and Helicochek, H-P test and Pylorichek in India
are being used increasingly because of their simplicity and
To assess the current attitude to Helicobacter pylori among
doctors Binek et al (34) made an elaborate study. The initial
diagnostic methods, the indications for eradication therapy,
the therapeutic regimen and its duration, together with eradication
control, were indicated in questionnaires sent out to the members
of the Swiss Society for Gastroenterology and Hepatology at
the beginning of 1997.Helicobacter pylori was diagnosed mainly
with a rapid urease test and/or histology. Peptic ulcer disease
(100%), mucosa associated lymphoid tissue (MALT) lymphoma (94.5%)
and therapy-resistant dyspepsia (78.7%) were clear indications
for Helicobacter pylori eradication.
Histology, culture and CLO test have a sensitivity of 91%, 70%
and 77-98% respectively and specificity of 100%, 100% and 96-97%
respectively as observed by previous workers( 35). In this study
RUTP and RUTG also showed a sensitivity of 91% ,100% and specificity
of 100%, 100% respectively. Thus RUTP and RUTG when read at
1 hr, gave a comparable sensitivity and specificity levels with
those of other tests. RUTG showed even better sensitivity and
specificity levels in comparison to the widely used CLO test.
The result shows that RUTP and RUTG are suitable for use as
diagnostic test for Helicobacter pylori.
False negative RUTP may occur when very low numbers of Helicobacter
pylori are present, or when the bacterium has a patchy distribution.
Biopsy from both the antral and body mucosa may improve the
sensitivity. False positive RUTs are very rare , in this series
it is absent, and they usually not react before 3 hours because
other urease producing bacteria produce much less urease than
Helicobacter pylori (35). In this series, although we excluded
patients with previous Helicobacter pylori eradication, recent
antibiotics therapy or proton pump inhibitor therapy; however,
a few patients may not given proper information and this may
contribute to some of the false negative results.
The advantage of RUTP and RUTG is that they are inexpensive
and easy to make. Moreover RUTP and RUTG can give quick result
in comparison to other conventional tests. This is extremely
useful in an outpatient setting where Helicobacter pylori eradication
therapy can be started at once.
The most interesting point regarding RUTP and RUTG is that they
can be used at room temperature and no cold chain is required
for their storage and transport. Thus the endoscopist even in
remote places can easily use them and thus it appears to be
ideal for all developing countries. The rapid colour change
in RUTG is due to the fact that there are wide molecular gaps
in silica gel in comparison to the agar medium and silica may
induce increased enzymatic activities ( 36).
Histology, although it is very good, can give us information
on morphological features like the presence or absence of gastritis
etc. It is more expensive and gives slower results. Culture
is more demanding in terms of transport and more time-consuming,
but may be worthwhile for resistant strains.
Non-invasive methods for detecting Helicobacter pylori include
serological tests and urea breath test. Generally, both have
good sensitivity and specificity: serology, 98% and 88% respectively,
and urea breath test, 100% and 100% respectively ( 35). The
lower specificity of serological tests is largely due to previous
treatment of Helicobacter pylori and therefore it is not suitable
within 6 – 12 months of eradication therapy, but is expensive
and not commonly available in general practice.
In conclusion, RUTP and RUTG are inexpensive tests for Helicobacter
pylori infection with good sensitivity and specificity and stable
at room temperature. Sensitivity and specificity of RUTG is
comparable only to urea breath test. They are useful in an outpatient
setting because they give quick result and no cold chain is
required for their storage. Their routine use can be recommended.