An ongoing new study:  

Study on the incidence of Chronic brucellosis in the workers of a Government food storage set up.

Brucella agglutination tests were studied with the serums collected from the workers of a Government food storage set up. It was found that six cases out of one hundred and four cases were positive indicating they are suffering from chronic brucellosis. Thus the incidence of chronic brucellosis in these workers is 5.8%, which is very significant, because chronic brucellosis not only causes physical disabilities but also it produces psychological abnormalities. However, as we have no comparable data of the normal population in the locality, we do not know whether this incidence is high in comparison to general population.

A study on pathogenic anaerobic and coliform bacteria found in a municipal landfill and from biomedical waste:

Kalyani Municipal Landfill

Serial No.
Sample No.
Anaerobicbacteria found
Pathogenic Coliform
Pathogenic bacteria found
1 1S4 Clostridiumtetani E. coli
2 2S4 Clostridium tetani E. coli
3 1S2 Clostridium tetani E.coli, Klebsiella sp.
4 2S2 Clostridium perfringens E.coli, Klebsiella sp.
5 MSWG Clostridium perfringens Klebsiella sp.

Domjur Hospital

6 D10 Clostridium tetani Klebsiella sp.
7 D2N Clostridium tetani E. coli
8 SP Clostridium perfringens Klebsiella sp.

Procedures for isolation of Clostridium tetani from biomedical waste:

The biomedical waste materials ( about 10 Gm) were taken in Robertson’s Cooked Meat Broth and heated to 60 C for 30 minutes. After that the broth was kept at 37 C for 72 hours. The growth of Clostridium tetani was characterised by powderification of the meat particles without any significant gas formation and fowl smell. After this smears were prepared and typical morphology ( drum stick like) suggestive of Clostridium tetani if present then Filde’s purification technique was done followed by confirmation after inoculation on Blood Agar medium coated with tetanus antiserum.